Thursday, August 22, 2013

Good is better than best !

When you search or aspire for the best,  you are never sure that you have got it – because it is likely that,  somewhere,  there is better,  since you cannot possibly have looked everywhere.  If you acquire or aspire for what is universally acknowledged as the best,  there is always a chance that it will get bettered in the next few days --- what will you do then ? Go after the new best ?  And when and how will this search end ?

When iPhone came out,  it was the best phone and there was a mad rush for it  till, very soon,  its makers declared it obsolete and said i2 was the best phone and there was again a mad rush for it to be followed in quicker succession by  i3, i4 and now i5 – so what happened to the seeker of the “best’ – every time they got the best, they were nervously waiting for the next best.

Look at Gillette. They started with one blade protected in a plastic sheath saying this is the best (i.e. safest) razor for the closest shave.  Soon they obsoleted the buyer saying the twin blade gives the real close “bestest” shave. Then, they  went on to 3, then 4 and now 5 blades for doing what earlier they themselves claimed their single blade could do.

And how does the 5-blade shave prove is it is the best of the best ?  Have you ever been accosted by anyone who says, wow you have had a 5-blade shave, it shows. Or the reverse  -  oh man ! you have just had 3-blade shave  & it shows !

This is true,  ad nauseum,  for anything that you buy as the best   Unfortunately,  this obsession for the best  is affecting our personal lives too.  People are searching for the best marriage partner – so they want good looks,  nay the best looks, the best figure,  the best brains, the best dress sense,  the best voice,  the best bank account, the best conversationalist  and not finding all these best qualities in one, renew their search with doubled vigour for the elusive best.

Similarly there is the search for the best clothes, the best tailor, the best hair stylist, the best cook, the best house, the best linen, the best sofa set, the best paint, the best cutlery and so on for everything that forms a part of our life.

However,  when you look for the good there is no such confusion – because when you say I am happy with what is “good”  what you are saying is that you are happy with what is “good enough”.  This “good enough” is defined by you and is therefore  entirely in your control and up to you.

When a housewife goes shopping for vegetables,  she doesn't search for the best vegetable – she looks for what is good enough.  She doesn't look for the best tomato but is satisfied with what will serve her purpose – e.g. even if she comes across slightly soft tomatoes , she will still buy it if she is going to use it for making soup or Pau Bhaji,  rather than keep looking for the best tomato – red, firm and large.

You know what is “good enough”  when you know what is your purpose – and this is the nub of the matter.  Those seeking and satisfied with “good”  know what their purpose is  -- those seeking the best,  do not.  Hence the best seekers remain forever “seekers”  in their lives but never arrive and that is why they are always a dissatisfied lot – because they are never sure that what they have is the best and are always scared that there is a “bester” out there which they do not have.

The  "good"  seeker simply says -- this is good enough for me and that is the end of the matter.

Saying  "this is good enough"  requires courage,  for it involves making a commitment,  and making a decision which most of today’s  younger generation are incapable of,  having been fed on the fiction of best, which always allows them to postpone making a commitment or making a decision and allows them to,  perennially, pretend that they have such high standards that ordinary things and  ordinary mortals cannot match it."

Does this mean that I am suggesting that one  should not strive for the best ?  Does this mean that I am suggesting that one should remain satisfied with whatever is one’s present condition and not try to improve ?  No, absolutely not. 

My thesis is,  strive for the best, but do not pine for the best.  Always look to make your performance the best possible ;  however do not get engrossed in trying to “acquire” the best available.  

Improving your performance, challenging your own standards to climb higher, run faster, last longer is a journey towards excellence and must always be pursued,  as this is the path to improvement.  However,  getting entangled in always trying to  acquire  the “best possible”  or the “best available”  is a sure step towards dissatisfaction and misery,  since such “best” has no end and you are never sure that you have actually got the best.

The best is illusory and temporal ; the good is real and long - lasting.  The seekers of the best are always unsure and insecure and,  therefore,  more often than not, rather  an unhappy lot.  Those that are satisfied with good have no such doubts or insecurities and are, generally,  a more satisfied and happier lot.

The truth is -- there is no best,  for there is always better.  However,  there is always "good" because it is encapsuled in "good enough", which is a matter of decision.  If only we learnt to be happy with what is good,  there is always a chance of making it better and never be worried about the best.

August  22, 2013