Tuesday, June 28, 2016

What is Professionalism in an Employee ?

Professionalism in an employee means

Knowing one’s job and responsibility, fully and completely.   If not clear,  then seeking clarification from one’s superiors.

Learning, developing and practicing,  the best way of carrying out the assigned tasks - keeping in mind the quality, cost, delivery, legal, ethical,  environmental, and social  impact aspects and costs. 

How is this to be done ? 

·  Learning from books, manuals, training programmes,  other experienced people and from one’s own mistakes.

·        Making realistic but challenging commitments, particularly on time aspect.

·        Once a commitment is made,  moving heaven and earth to meet the same.  The 9 to 5 concept is no longer valid.  It has been replaced by the  A to Z  work style i.e. complete the entire job from A to Z before you leave.  Today’s work has to be done today  --  not carried forward to tomorrow.

·        Keeping your boss/superior fully and regularly informed of the progress you are making,  from time to time.  In case there is likely to be any delay from the  previous commitment or any shortfall from the committed quantity,  immediately informing your superior.  This will give him time to take any corrective action or get the job done by bringing in additional resources or from some alternative source. 

·    Nobody likes surprises,  especially surprises about slippages or failures. Hence always communicate,  regularly about your work with the concerned departments /sections  as well as your boss.

·    Treating your internal customer with the same respect and care as for an external customer  --  this will bring dramatic results and greatly improve team-work.

The above, in turn,  requires that the employee :

a)   reports in time for work.

b)   follows the discipline of the organisation.

c) behaves / inter-acts politely and pleasantly  with his/her colleagues, superiors, customers and all other persons that he/she comes in contact with,  in the course of his/her work.

d)   does not idle his/her time during working hours.

e)   keeps his/her workplace neat , clean and well-organised,  such that even in his/her absence,  colleagues can locate and access official working papers/documents/files without any difficulty.

f)     fills all forms and makes all reports, as required, regularly and in time.

g)   respects and adheres to all company and (geographic) location protocol and culture

h) respects and follows, diligently,  all safety and security practices and protocol.


Sunday, June 19, 2016

Who is a Professional Manager ?

A professional manager is one

who is guided in his work & action by a set of core principles that are internally consistent and  non - violative  of  statutory and legal provisions.

who is consistent in the yardstick he applies for dealing with people and situations.

who has a  “broad  framework”  for analysing,  judging,  decision-making and taking  actions,   i.e.  one who is not arbitrary and  “seasonal”  in the practice of management.

who,  in addition to complying with legal and statutory provisions,  also has a set of ethical  and moral principles that he follows,   which are  “fair”  to those affected by his  decision-making and action.

who is willing to stand up for what he considers  right / correct   &  is not afraid to express an  “unpopular”  view point  nor  afraid to voice an opinion that doesn’t  agree with that of his boss.

who,  on a matter of principle,  is willing to quit rather than  “submit”  or  “go along”  with what he considers wrong or unethical or immoral or illegal.

who,  while being steadfast in sticking to his principles is,  himself,  always open to criticism,  and willing to change his ways when he discovers that they are wrong or outdated.

who,  on his own initiative,  seeks to enlarge his own body of knowledge or enrich his fund of experience through honestly acknowledged learning from others  ---  be they his superiors,  peers,  subordinates or professional colleagues.

who has the vision to see,  beyond his own job or company,  to the larger  interest / requirements / good   of his immediate community and society at large.


October  30,  1995

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Who is a Professional ?

A Professional is one who

Has Knowledge about his profession or responsibility   i.e. he has specific and specialist knowledge about his job which comes from specific training and experience in that field,  e.g.  engineer, doctor, chartered accountant,  tailor,  sculptor  etc.

Has a definite and standard method of carrying out his work ;  in cases of deviation, has, again a set of standard responses for meeting the deviations or unexpected changes.  e.g.  doctor,  car mechanic,  electrician

But, in today’s  competitive world,  the word professional or professionalism has acquired a much bigger meaning.  It includes

·        Following a code of conduct appropriate to the profession you are practising  e.g.  doctor – patient relationship,  lawyer – patient relationship,   tailor,  actor.

·        Acting on a set of codified rules,  practices,  behaviours that have evolved through specialist knowledge and years of experience,  as opposed to an amateur or fresher.

·  Working in a planned manner,  taking into account various likely difficulties, obstacles and being prepared for the same.

·     Adhering to commitments – quality,  cost and time e.g. courier service,  laundry,  management report etc.

·    Keeping the customer or  “other person” regularly informed of progress in your work, delays if any, changes in milestones & corrective actions being taken

·        Accepting responsibility for commitments made and bearing loss,  if any,  resulting to you for extra work done to meet commitment.

·        Respect for the customer and/or the person you are dealing with.